Dized Tutorial Creation Course (September 2023) – Session 04


NOTE: There was also an Extra Stream done after this session. You can find the link under Resources (scroll down).


  • Creating a Tutorial Flow
  • Using Logic steps
  • Creating buttons
  • Working with Variables


This sessions helps mastering the following matters:

  • Create a full “from beginning to the end” flow for tutorial.
  • Utilize logic and smart flow elements using buttons and logic steps.
  • Learn basic usage of variables.

– This following email was sent to participants of the September 2023 course before this session. –

Dized Tutorial Course is 3 sessions in already!

Hello Creator!

Today we had 2 more sessions! In session 02 we went through the Dized teaching method and typical structures of Dized Tutorials, and peaked under the hood of a few published ones! In session 03 we learned how to write a preliminary script for your tutorial.

Remember, you can find all important information, like the course schedule, agenda, each session, and the needed resources, at the course’s website at https://dized.com/course-002/. You will find today’s recorded streams under the links for Session 02 and Session 03.

In tomorrow’s session we’ll start diving into creating a smart flow for the tutorial, so try to make sure you have the script somewhat created by the next session!

If you have any questions, ask them on Dized Content Creator Community Discord server in the #my-first-project channel.

Good luck with writing the script!

– Team Dized


Here are links to useful resources that will help you achieve the goals!

Good to know:

  • This page is for one of the Dized Tutorial Course sessions. The full course info can be found here.