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Dized Tutorial Creation Course Info (September 2023)



  • Dized Tutorials are state-of-the-art interactive guides to learn rules to a board game (read: any tabletop game).
  • Dized Tutorials are fully 3D animated, voice-overed, and feature a smart flow that can adapt to the game session.
  • Dized Tutorials are similar to video game tutorials, but are designed for an actual board game. This allows Dized to teach the game step-by-step while players are already playing!
  • Dized is available for iOS and Android devices, and on web for computers.

This course includes:

  • Designing a great user experience.
  • Writing a narrative script.
  • Designing a smart flow and working with simple logic and variables.
  • Simple 3D and 2D animation.
  • Audio design (music, voiceover, and sound effects)
  • Creating a complete tutorial for a tabletop game.

Watch a short trailer about Dized content!




Is this course for me?

  • Do you have good computer skills?
  • Are you passionate about board games, and good at teaching them to others?
  • Are you interested in learning to create good user experiences?
  • Are you interested in low-level programming and animating?
  • Do you have a modern computer?
  • Do you have about 30 hours to learn a new skill?
  • Are you interested in earning money by creating content onto the Dized platform?

If you answered YES to most of the questions above, this course just might be for you!


  • You can find all the course sessions and materials here.
  • This course IS suitable for those who have already started working with the tool, but would like to learn more about creating Dized content efficiently.
  • The course consists of about 20 online sessions within a two week time period (5.-19. September 2023). The schedule for the sessions is available on this Google Calendar (requires being logged into a Google account).
  • Sessions are recorded, so you can watch them, and do the exercises according to your own schedule. It’s recommended to schedule approximately 30 hours for the course: ~10h for the sessions and ~20h for the practice project.
  • During the course you will create a tutorial for Escape from Babylon, a game designed for this specific purpose (not an actual published game).
  • The course will be led by experienced Dized content creators and will include a LOT of best practices for efficient content creation!
  • Before starting the course: Make sure you have learned AT LEAST one game using a Dized tutorial. Having first-hand experience on how an interactive tutorial works is essential in designing Dized tutorials. If you haven’t yet learned a game with Dized, and you don’t have a game and/or group available to do it with, start a solo game of Libertalia on Tabletopia (use the calm mode), and use a different device to run the Libertalia Dized Tutorial simultaneously.
  • For getting paid work: At the end of the course we will evaluate the project you created, and either give feedback on areas where improvements could be made, or we get you started with your first paid project! Dized has LOTS of projects available for capable creators and are signing more all the time!
    Note: Participation in this course is NOT a guarantee of paid work. Dized evaluates each participant’s skills based on the practice project made during the course. Projects are assigned to creators who have proved their capabilities. The compensation and schedule for each project is always agreed upon upfront, and the content creator must be able to invoice their work from Dized using a valid Business ID.
  • Join the Dized Content Creator Community discord Server here: https://discord.gg/bq8t3wg
  • Here is a list of typically needed skills to create Dized content: https://portalguide.dized.com/skill-requirements/
  • Dized Content Creation Tool is used on a web browser. We recommend Google Chrome, and currently can’t offer customer support for other browsers. Here is a description of typical hardware requirements: https://portalguide.dized.com/technical-recommendations/
  • If you want to get started with the Dized Tools already before the course, you can consult the Dized Portal Guide.